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Thursday, March 23, 2006

So I'm sat here...

Still running fecking extracts for the current year-end audit when I should be enjoying some quality time with my corporation Hmmm... EvE

Having a look around on this and finds:

Nearly five million UK staff worked an average extra day a week in unpaid overtime in 2005, according to the TUC.

The union group estimated that if each employee worked all their unpaid overtime at the start of the year, they would not get paid until 24 February.

But its analysis of official labour statistics also found that the percentage of people working unpaid overtime was at its lowest since 1992.

Staff in small workplaces were least likely to work extra time without pay.

The TUC's analysis of the government's latest Labour Force Survey found that 4,759,000 workers, or 19.4% of employees, worked an average of 7 hours 24 minutes in unpaid overtime each week.

Londoners put in the longest hours, with those doing unpaid overtime putting in an extra 8 hours 12 minutes a week.

Extra effort

They were followed by workers in Wales (7 hours 48 minutes) and Northern Ireland (7 hours 36 minutes).

I'm like OMG!! The country would grind to a halt if everyone worked to rule. Maybe there should be a no-overtime day or something. Admittedly - those that do a lot of (paid) overtime actually rely on that to bump up their wages, but with the impending crackdown on the EU legislation on the working week (less the opt-out our wonderful 0_o government has brokered) this may also go down the pan, then will we see true figures of people living under the "poverty line", and you can bet your ass they ain't all gonna be unemployed.
Strikes me as backwards that in real terms, the unemployed are better off than the employed, almost as if it's a punishment going to work and trying to make something of yourself.

Is it me or does that seem wrong?


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