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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Grittish Bass

Shhh, it's bad karma to say it out loud...

So, there we are, being good householders and wanting to take care of our rather expensive investment.... so we signing up for plumbing and central heating cover.. great.

Round popped the nice man from Grittish Bass and gave us a clean bill of health. So we're covered right? Well, not entirely. Yes, we are covered but there's a rather large list of things that aren't covered (actually, 'er indoors says I have to say there's only about 3 things that aren't covered but who believes her anyway). You know, stuff that's part of your heating system that you would expect to be covered but would actually cost more than a cople of quid for Grittish Bass to cover...

So of course the first problem we have and have to call them out and it's one of those pesky things on the list.. We seem to have a blockage. Yep, something as simple as a blockage and it's not covered. "No problem" says Mr Bass.. " We can organise a super turbo power flush of the whole system for £500"... OMHW WTF BBQ.. 500 squigglies to shove a presure washer in the radiators.. The misses says there's also chemicals involved.. I think they've been drinkin their own chemicals. £500 !!!!!!!! my arse...

So it's down to me and daddy DIY......

Will blog the impending flood and cut finger pictures as they happen..

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