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Jammo, I know what your problem is matey.. Only drinking at weekends. Your bodies just not used to it. What you need to do is drink what you would normaly drink on the weekends every night. Then by the time weekend arives your body knows no difference..
No more hangovers, guaranteed.
By pugmiester, at Saturday, February 24, 2007
I use to work in a pub and nightclub. Someone once told me that drinking a couple of pints of water before going to bed helps with a hangover. So I tried this method and it actually works.
I know it's hard to remember to drink water when you get home after a night of pure alcohol but if you do, you'll feel so much better the morning after. Try and drink about 2-3 pints of water.
Oh..the other thing...It makes you pee a lot but what would you much rather do? Suffer or pee a lot? I pick the latter, personally.
By nenni, at Sunday, February 25, 2007
I'll get my mum to un pack the plastic sheets this weekend. as I'm not paid enough to drink every night of the week, unless I buy super strong white cider!!! I thin this weekend I'll try 2 - 3 pints of water.
By Jamal, at Monday, February 26, 2007
This works for me 90% of the time, however this will probably not work if you stay up til 6am. Be warned!
By puggsley1980, at Thursday, March 01, 2007
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